Various Artists / Radio Algeria / Sublime Frequencies 029 For those not familiar with the Sublime Frequencies’ explosion of exotica over the last few years, Radio Algeria is a stellar example of curator Alan Bishop’s region/world/mind-spanning collage work using the radio as his only source. Presented with minimal liner notes, Radio Algeria does not hide […]
Joan of Arc Eventually, All at Once (Record Label) Joan of Arc’s insistence on turning lyrical concepts inside out via Tim Kinsella’s high-concept lyrical mind-fucks and their tendency to masturbate structure-less riffs into oblivion always begs confrontation. But perhaps it’s unfair to accuse the band of provocation; they make art-rock (at this point, more the […]
Metallic Falcons Desert Doughnuts (Voodoo-EROS) Sierra Rose Casady from CocoRosie teams up with friend Matteah Baim to comprise entrancing folk-metal arias at lullaby speed, replete with desert conception imagery of mythic proportion. Like the name of the collaborative team, Desert Doughnuts soars with atmospheric echo, evoking both Jana Hunter (who makes a guest appearance) and […]