The Time-Machine Tumbler
Don’t get too excited Whiskey drinkers, since this cool tumbler is not a reality yet. But, for the time being, allow us to wet your whistle. If all goes well with the inventors’ kickstarter campaign, then in a few months you’ll be able to drink your whiskey from an old cask. Unfortunately, not a full-size cask, but a beautifully made tumbler that sits perfectly in the palm of your hand. Created and handcrafted in London by ZOOTY design workshop, you can see why this piece of art will be a success. They have dubbed their invention the OKA tumbler. Each tumbler is handmade from premium white oak, then charred inside. The inventors employ the same manufacturing methods used on whiskey barrels for centuries. They promise that drinking whiskey from this charred oak tumbler is like drinking cask-strength whiskey from of a 25 year old oak barrel stacked deep in a cold dark cellar. Because Kristopher K., COO of ZOOTY design workshop believes that gentlemen don’t drink whiskey to get drunk, but to savor the taste of it. He shares, “When tasting whiskey form OKA tumbler you will notice that the scent is much softer and more pleasant compared to a glass tumbler. It is because our charred oak interior absorbs part of strong alcohol aroma therefore allowing you to feel the true characteristics of the whiskey.”
Don’t plan on pouring your aged and expensive whiskey into this charred chalice. “Our tumbler is not meant for aged whiskey,” says Toms Liepkalns, CEO of ZOOTY design workshop. “It’s meant to flavor your drink instantly. When a small amount of whiskey interacts with a large surface of the charred oak the results are incredible. All the flavors increase rapidly.”
Looks like the OKA tumbler is going to solve a few problems with our current hurried culture. Since most of us do enjoy drinking whiskey, but probably won’t invest in a set of Baccarat crystal tumblers, the OKA is ideal. First, we don’t have to actually age whiskey like they did in the eightieth century when they had plenty of time on their hands. And we can also fool our friends by serving them bargain whiskey in these fancy tumblers. So, instead of investing in super expensive whiskey, we can simply fund their kickstarter campaign, get a few tumblers and buy cheap whiskey from now on.
Might be a smart investment.
Text by Teresa Rodriguez