San Francisco
1. What is your obsession? 2. What is your favorite sin? 3. What’s your guilty pleasure?
4. Which celebrity is the most self obsessed? 5. What’s your favorite electronic device?
1. Chocolate
2. Gluttony
3. Whiskey on the rocks and salted popcorn
4. Kanye West
5. MacBook Air
1. Fashion 2. Red Wine 3. Star Wars
4. Kylie Jenner 5. MacBook Pro
1. Fur…it’s bad 2. Sex 3. Sweets
4. Kim Kardashian 5. iPhone
1. Cooking and exploring 2. Gluttony
3. Taylor Swift’s “Shake it off” 4. Camera
1. Fashion 2. Red Wine 3. Star Wars
4. Kylie Jenner 5. MacBook Pro
1. Traveling 2. Gluttony 3. Watching TV
4. Kim Kardashian 5. Phone
1. Japanese culture 2. Alcohol 3. Ice cream
4. Kanye West 5. iPhone
Text & PhotograPhy by Anna-Lena LyStad