I-Pose: The Winner Is…

I-Pose is the latest addition to SOMA’s ongoing tradition of introducing unique, cutting-edge features to our magazine. 
This section portrays the winners of our online competition, where SOMA readers posed as their favorite icons. 
In this issue, we feature the best of 2012. These young creative minds from Tokyo were asked to explain the reasoning behind their choices.

I Pose Like: Johnny Depp
Name: Kenta Niikura
Occupation: Actor
“Johnny Depp is my hero. 
I admire his independence, unique style and attitude. For me, that’s really something special.”

I Pose Like: Edie Sedgwick
Name: Ami Mizuno
Occupation: Art Student
“The superstar shone like fireworks, vanished in a twinkling. I wanted to see what her sunset years would be like.”

I Pose Like: Sebastien Tellier
Name: Bryan Butcher
Occupation: DJ / Model
“Sebastien Tellier looks like 
a bad ass yet his music is 
very dreamy and romantic. 
I too am a romantic. Plus 
he’s down with Daft Punk 
and the Coppola family.”

I Pose Like: Jimi Hendrix
Name: Shintaro Nagamine
Occupation: Event planner/
“Jimi is my fashion hero—his style never gets old”

I Pose Like: Karen O
Name: Chiaki Marutani
Occupation: Cartoonist/Editor
“I dress like Karen O because she is an artist I am influenced by, and I respect her as a woman, an artist, and a person who has Asian blood. There are some female artists who have their own cool style in fashion… but no one dresses like Karen O.”

I Pose Like: Madonna
Name: Yurie Ishitsuka
Occupation: Fashion Sales
“Madonna was amazing in the ‘80s. Her style is so iconic and it fits perfectly in Tokyo even now! She continues to look great, and I hope to look that good in the future.”

I Pose Like: George Harrison
Name: Taar
Occupation: Producer/DJ
“George is my all-time hero. 
My creative mind is affected 
by his novel and flexible 
ideas. I’m also in love 
with Pattie Boyd.”

I Pose Like: David Lynch
Name: Shotaro Kobayashi
Occupation: Art Student
“His style is so simple and classy. That’s what I like about his style. A man who looks great with gray hair, white shirt, black jacket and pants, I hope I can be someone like that when I get older.”

I Pose Like: Jessie J
Name: Mayumi Kamitai
Occupation: Graphic Designer
“I love her hairstyle… I’m obsessed with black hair.”

I Pose Like: David Hockney
Name: Yukiko Mizuno
Occupation: Art Student/Nylon Japan Blogger
“Hockney is just such a great artist, one of my favorites. I don’t care 
about the gender of my personal icons; male or female… I still take fashion inspiration from them.”

I Pose Like: Pete Doherty
Name: Hiroki Shimoozato
Occupation: DJ/Event 
“When I was a Junior High School student I heard about him for the first time. His appearance, scandalous life, punk spirit and musical talent all captivated me. He is my hero.”

Text by Mike Burns
Photography by Jacob Hodgkinson

