Her Space Holiday

photography Jen Siska

Where over hyped bands sweep in grandly then quickly fade in a sea of indie obscurity, Marc Bianchi has been quietly reinventing himself through his cerebral brand of bittersweet synth-pop for 15 years. As front man and jack-of-all-trades for his band Her Space Holiday, Bianchi’s sweet and shy demeanor is offset by his natural ability to tell stories (albeit dark and somewhat disturbing ones) through heart-wrenching lyrics and a striking stage presence. Yet with nine full-length albums and considerable success overseas, he has yet to reach the level of notoriety that he seems to have earned.

Ironically, the title of his soon-to-be-released side project is Fame Ride, an adventurous collection of new and old HSH recordings, remixed by producer Nick Andre (City Light). Fame Ride mixes live instrumentation with samples and infectious hip-hop beats, all the while still maintaining the soft melodies and emotional lyrics of a classic HSH album. It feels like a bit of a release; a sort-of letting go both musically and emotionally. A realization that, yeah, life is fucked up—but Her Space Holiday seems to prove that it’s way more fun to dance in darkness than to wallow in it.

What’s the deal with the bunny mask?
A fan bought it for me in Japan. I don’t know, I just like hiding inside the animals. There is a relief to the anonymity. Especially when you rock the bunny mask with the tiger outfit. Cops don’t like it though. When Nick Andre, (City Light and sometimes HSH band member),  and I got pulled over in San Francisco, the bunny mask was in the front seat with us. The officer shined his flash light on it and said, “Don’t do anything weird when I go run your license.”

Who or what influences you?
Mostly books and movies. I would say people, but I don’t leave the house all that much.

Do you find that being a moody Cancer affects your songwriting?
Moody? That’s fucked up. Why would you say that? That’s just rude, and I don’t appreciate it. You don’t understand my pain or what I have been through.

Are most of your songs based on personal life experiences?
Yeah, for better or for worse they pretty much are all that self- indulgent.

What song would play at your wedding? At your funeral?
Wedding and Funeral: Spiritualized (Ladies And Gentleman We Are Floating Through Space).

Who would direct and act in a movie about your life?
Director: Woody Allen. Actor: E.T.

Who or what are you impressed by?
People who have strong opinions and drives, while at the same time treat the people around them with fairness and understanding. We all have short comings and demons, but the act of at least trying to be as decent as possible is a huge plus in my book.

– Jen Duardo

