Many claim that print is dead, but we certainly don’t believe such a statement—after all, we are very much alive and kicking. But even if print might not be dead, it is more difficult nowadays to come up with new ways to wow audiences, engage readers and find new ways to print.
The guys at T-Post, knowing that we’ve seen it all and understanding that novelties on paper are not entirely novelties, decided to print on T-shirts instead. The result is the first wearable magazine. Launched in 2004, it comes out every five weeks and is available on a subscription basis, each issue featuring a news story on the inside, with an artist interpretation on the outside. What started as five T-shirts produced for a small group of close friends has now become a widespread cultural phenomenon, with subscribers in over 50 countries.
“It’s like getting a surprise birthday present every month,” explains Editor-in-Chief Peter Lundgren, with the enthusiasm typical of an entrepreneur with a revolutionary, exciting venture. Each story featured on the inside of the T-shirts addresses a current event and takes a tone that lies between that of a news story and a column. “The stories we tend to go for are those that feel current and of the moment, but also say something about the world we live in,” Lundgren explains. They don’t have a political angle, but the stories are selected to make the readers think. “If you look close enough, it hides a greater philosophical question,” he continues. It’s a true, all-around conversation piece. The idea is that a compliment like “Nice T-shirt” might evolve into an explanation of the news story behind the design, or a debate on the topic and an exchange of ideas.
The theme of each T-Post varies greatly but is carefully selected. The latest issue, titled “Under Surveillance,” addresses the topic of privacy in contemporary media culture, with an ironic illustration as a nod to omnipresent phenomena such as Facebook, Twitter and Wikileaks. The content featured in previous issues ranges in subject matter from x-ray body scanners at airports to the effects of the movie Avatar on audiences, from research that confirmed widespread fear of clowns to the results of illegal song sharing. The topics can often be funny and lightweight—like a story about a T-Post employee’s trip to the dentist—or more serious, such as the R.I.P. issue dedicated to the Tsunami of 2004.
Each new T-Post issue features a new, up-and-coming artists every time; like the text on the inside, the art is just as current. A short bio of the artist is also included. “We have had the pleasure of working with some of the hottest artist and designers around and we hope to continue to evolve with even more interesting styles and collaborations,” says Lundgren.
T-Post packaging is also notable: the issue comes in a beautifully designed envelope with graphic details in black and white. The T-shirt is thoughtfully folded inside-out so that the reader can immediately read the ‘content’ and, once done, turn it and wear it.
What makes T-post even more unique is the fact that the production of each issue is limited to the number of subscribers. This makes it a limited object, which serves to make the brand exclusive and also reduces environmental waste.
– Rosa Maria Bertoli